escrita por Araceli Vasquez de Hampton
Después de un horrible divorcio, me sentía agotada y pensaba que la vida me había negado cualquier posibilidad de ser feliz. Cuando hay hijos de por medio, uno se mortifica de tantas cosas y por las noches uno piensa y piensa y piensa. Problemas económicos y emocionales. En una de estas noches estaba sentada pensando que esa noche era la noche mas larga de mi vida. Me sentía triste y sin ganas de seguir adelante. Era una noche de invierno y tenía mucho frío. Al amanecer yo sabía que el sol iba a calentar un poco mas la casa. Sin embargo la noche no cesaba. La vida me estaba negando el amor y la felicidad. Espero que con esta canción se pongan a bailar con ganas.Esperaté unos segundos mas y escucharas un pedazo de la canción (el programa de QuickTime esta arriba de este parafo). No te olvides de ordenar el cd que ya esta a la venta.
written by Araceli Vasquez de Hampton
After a devastating divorce I felt exhausted and I thought that life had taken from me any possibility of ever being happy. When there are children involved, the worries are even worse. During the night I would stay up some times all night just thinking of the many problems we had both economical and emotional. It was during one of these endless nights that I got up and wrote this song. That day I felt sad and I felt I couldn't keep going. It was a cold winter night and I was very cold both outside and inside. I kept trying to convince myself that when the sun came up I wouldn't be as cold. It was this thought that made me write this song. Many of us have endless nights and feel that life is cheating us from love and happiness. There is a sun out there; you just have to be patient.Wait a few seconds and you should be able to hear a piece of my song (see the QuickTime progress bar above). The CD is now available. Don't forget to make your purchase.