Pierdete en mis ojos


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Para obtenere una copia
del CD "Pierdete en mis ojos"
mande $11.99 US
(talón de cajero o money order)
y $3.99 US para envio y
embarque en EEUU,
$5.99 fuera EEUUa la
direction indicada aquí.
Favor de permitir de
4-6 semanas en EEUU
para recibir su CD o
6-10 semanas si recide
fuera de los EEUU.

Pierdete en mis ojos

Hampton & Rodriguez Productions

200 Appleton Court

Buda, Texas 78610

(512) 295-2564

To obtain your copy of
Pierdete en mis ojos,
send $11.99 US
(plus shipping and handling)
by cashier's check or money order.
Please include $1.99 US
for shipping and handling in the US,
$3.99 International shipments.
Please allow 4-6 weeks
for delivery in the US or
6-10 weeks for outside the US.
Ordene con
tarjeta de credito!
Product ID: VASQUEZ1 Product Name: Pierdete en mis ojos $11.99

para mas información llama o manda un email

For more information or order status call or send email
Distribution information
Order by
credit card !
Product ID: VASQUEZ1 Product Name: Pierdete en mis ojos $11.99