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Biografía de Araceli Vasquez de Hampton - English
Araceli nació en Brownsville, Texas y es hija del Señor Antonio Luis Vasquez y la señora Maximiliana Cárdenas de Vasquez. Tiene seis hermanos y tres hermanas. Guillermo, Marcela, Nora Elia, José Antonio, José Luis, Noemi, Raúl, Alberto y Rolando. Su padre murió en el año de 1981 y su hermano Guillermo murrio el año de 1992. La familia migró a los Estados Unidos el año de 1972. Cada año la familia se iba al norte para trabajar en los campos. Trabajaron la papa, el tomate, las fresas, la manzana, la uva y mucho mas. Una familia pobre y humilde.
Araceli se caso muy joven y tuve su primera hija el año de 1986, Yesenia. En 1989 nació Maxi C. y en 1991 nació Paloma. Después de dos fracasos Araceli se vio obligada a criar a sus hijas sola. Durante esos años ella también hizo la decisión de atender la universidad de Brownsville y obtener una educación. Termino su AA y siguió estudiando hasta obtener cuatro años de educación. Con esfuerzo y mucho trabajo se mejoro económicamente.
Toda la vida Araceli soñaba con ser cantante y escribir sus canciones. Desde pequeña ella escribía pequeños poemas y trataba de tocar instrumentos como la guitarra y el piano. Su preferencia es ser cantante y compositora. Ella dice que no tiene un singular estilo porque no se quiere limitar a un estilo. "Las posibilidades no tienen limite cuando uno quiere crear algo" comenta Araceli. Quizás con sus canciones y su gran corazón ella puede llegar a lograr lo que siempre a querido.
Araceli was born in Brownsville, Texas and is the daughter of Antonio Luis Vasquez and Maximiliana Cardenas de Vasquez. The seventh of ten children, Araceli has six brothers and three sisters. Their names are Guillermo, Marcela, Nora Elia, Jose Antonio, Jose Luis, Noemi, Rail, Alberto and Rolando. Her father passed away in 1981 and her oldest brother Guillermo passed away the year of 1992. Her family immigrated to the United States in 1960 and worked many years as migrant farm workers. They harvested crops such as potato, tomato, apple, strawberry, grapes and many other kinds of fruits and vegetables across the Northern and Western United States. Like most of the migrant farm worker families they were a very poor and humble family. And, like many of the other families they traveled with, everyone in the family was expected to work the fields and help with the chores in the community.
Araceli married young and had her first daughter in her second year of marriage, Yesenia. Just before she had her second daughter, Maxi C, she went through a divorce. In her second marriage she had her third daughter, Paloma. After two divorces she decided to raise her daughters on her own and better her life by getting a degree. She attended the University of Brownsville and obtained her AA while working full time and raising her three girls. She continued her studies, all without government welfare, for four more years to obtain her BA. With lots of hard work she bettered her economical situation.
All of her life Araceli had dreamed of becoming a composer and a singer. From a very young age she started writing poetry and would try to play instruments like the guitar and the piano. Her preference laid in singing and composing. She says that she doesn't have a singular style or preference in music. "I don't want to feel limited to one kind of style of music because there are no limits when one wants to create something." Araceli comments. Maybe with her songs, her big heart, and strength of character she can accomplish what she has always dreamed of.